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Haniah Fazal

Bruce Wayne

It was raining cats and dogs in Gotham city on the eve of 25th October 2015. It was quite peculiar to see it pouring outside, since the meteorological department had clearly stated that there would be no signs of a downpour. “The city would drown”, thought Bruce Wayne while, sitting inside his centrally heated drawing room. Despite his own comfort, he could not help but empathize with the people suffering. The misery of the city distressed him. The Wayne family was gifted and cursed all at the same time. You see, Bruce had enough wealth to live multiple lifetimes, but cursed with the absence of his loved ones. He yearned for maternal love and paternal care. Rain drops splashing against the glass window broke his chain of thoughts. The weather complimented his melancholic thoughts. He sometimes thought that his thought processes were like swamp. To get lost in them was easy, but to get out of them was nearly impossible. Bruce was apparently leading the ideal life. Millionaire, handsome, young and educated, he had everything others wished for. But only he knew the loneliness he had felt his entire life. Almost everything reminded him of his isolation and gloominess. Rainy weather, sleepless night, winter mornings or bright summer afternoons, he had no one to pour his heart out to. He frowned at the thought of his loneliness. The lines on his forehead dug deeper. He absolutely loathed self-pity. But what was left of his life except from self-loathing and self-pity? But he was in a state of self-pity only when he realized that the city needed a vigilante, an unsung hero. A dark night. A person who had no attachment in this world, nothing that could hold him back. And since then, there was no turning back for Bruce Wayne or lest I say the Batman.

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